Built-in Kalan Macrosoft's Programs
We included some useful applications made by Kalan Macrosoft for users' convenience such as Alarm application, Loan Monthly Payment Calculator and Importantly Kalan's Remote Web Radio. First two applications are ActiveX Documents and last one is Windows application.
Following is short description of each application.
Kalan's Alarm Clock:
Kalan's Alarm Clock may help alert you when some of your personal task need to be taken care of at a time you choose. User-friendly visual interface and its controls are self-explanatory therefore no explanations needed on how to use this ActiveX Document. To activate Kalan's Alarm Clock Please go to top-level menu Go and follow the instructions.
Kalan's Loan Calculator is also an ActiveX document, this application may be used to calculate monthly payment for fixed rate, fixed term loans. Mortgage payment calculations may not be calculated by this application where as property tax payments are paid together with the loan payments. To activate Kalan's Loan Calculator application please go to top-level Go menu and select ActiveX Documents from its sub menu and then look for the link for the Kalan's Loan Calculator.
Kalan's Remote Web Radio:
Kalan's Remote Web Radio is windows application to access programs broadcast over the Internet. Programs from SakthiFm from Sri Lanka and Merina Tamil Radio from New York can be heard from Kalan's Remote Web Radio. And you may also stream the list of songs found from Kalan Macrosoft Song Page. This built-in program is customizable by the user. Since all the controls are self-explanatory, no help files are associated with it. To activate Kalan's Web Radio please go to top-level menu Windows Programs and then click "Play Kalan Remote Web Radio".
Parental Monitoring Kalan's Browser is designed to record all the important activities of a minor during his/her session such as start and finish time on the internet, whether he/she tried to visit any un-authorized sites or whether he/she tried to hide their activities, etc. This feature gives the parents an edge over their children and ensures the possibilities of constant monitoring their children.
I also made it possible for them to view their activities whenever they want to let them know their activities may be monitored by their parents or guardians however, in order for the records to be erased they should need a password. A password will be assigned to the parents by Kalan Macrosoft®. It's your responsibility to make sure that you keep the password away from them. Parental monitoring option can be accessed from top level Tool menu >> Monitoring Options and rest of sub menus are descriptive enough that they need no detailed explanations.
View Parental Monitor Sample